Bubble on wheels looks the part compared to Prius, RX

Up until now, whenever we’ve seen a Google self-driving car, it’s always been a Toyota Prius or Lexus RX wearing some very interesting and unique headgear. However, that may change very soon as Google has rolled out their first prototype for a small, public test.

The Google Self-Driving Car Project, as it’s known officially, has released a series of videos showcasing the new prototype. The public testers seem to be very impressed with the speed and ride of Google’s first car, but equally important is what it could mean for those with disabilities.

One man in the video stated the autonomous vehicle could give him back much of the freedom he lost due to blindness.

The prototype itself seems to be an electrically-driven vehicle in the very early stages of development. The body shell looks to be unfinished fibreglass on the inside with a noticeability visible roll cage.

Also, not one public rider was sacrificed for the sake of a group of pedestrians.

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