Smart_Exp_001Toronto, Ontario – Smart Canada has teamed up with Toronto Hydro-Electric to launch Canada’s first electric vehicle (EV) program designed specifically for automotive retail customers. The Smart Fortwo Electric Drive will play an integral role in the pilot project, which has been formally named the Toronto Hydro Smart Experience.

Toronto Hydro and Smart delivered the first Smart Fortwo Electric Drive to a Toronto Hydro electric customer to officially launch the program.

The goal of the four-year pilot program is to study the driving patterns, charging habits and the impact on the electricity grid of drivers who will participate in the program. While other EV programs currently in the Canadian marketplace are geared to corporate fleets, this is the first program tailored specifically to automotive retail customers, Smart said.

Toronto Hydro will provide the selected participants with a charging station, power meter and electricity for the duration of the program.

“We like this project because it brings Toronto consumers into the picture,” said Anthony Haines, president and CEO of Toronto Hydro. “This will provide Toronto Hydro with grassroots consumer feedback on electric vehicle use in an urban environment. Understanding the consumer’s electric vehicle experience on the street and when plugging in is critical to enabling us to build a modern grid in Toronto.”

Toronto Hydro customers are welcome to apply for the project. A total of 15 vehicles will be made available to those who meet all of the eligibility requirements. To apply, fill out a program application online at Smart Experience.

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