Does anyone have any thoughts about the BMW 8 series? Don’t get angry, it’s the Holidays, we want you in a good mood. So don’t worry, that’s not quite what we want to talk about. Of course, said 8 series is a bit of a bitter memory left behind in the 90s and barely ever mentioned in a conversation, unless you wish to make BMW engineers fall into an awkward silence. That might explain why BMW’s next big plan will sport the number 9 rather than 8.

According to the Automobile Magazine, the München-based manufacturer has a few projects in store for us. First, the Vision Future Luxury Concept (shown in the picture above) could be a hint at the future top-of-the-line sedan the manufacturer has in the works. The super luxurious sedan is expected to pack quite a punch with a few powertrain options, one more appealing than the other. Still according to Auto Mag, the 9 series could be offered with a six-cylinder, plug-in hybrid powertrain, a twin-turbo V8 or even a 650 hp V12, should an M version ever see the light of day.

If you are among the i-series enthusiasts, this other piece of news is for you: in addition to the 9 series, another electric powertrain should join the i3 and the i8. The i6 sedan would be launched by the year 2020 and should be powered by two to four electric engines, equipped with a possible lithium-polymer battery pack believed to be cheaper to produce with up to three times the energy capacity as the current lithium-ion batteries.

You can also add a new front-wheel drive platform and an X2 crossover to the rumor-mill and voilà. You have yourself a very enticing BMW five-year plan. Now the problem is that we really want that i6 to become reality.

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