Last month, we showed you Pope Francis’ Hyundai Santa Fe-based ‘popemobile.’ Now, he’s added another vehicle to his fleet: a Jeep Wrangler, introduced during a visit to Quito, Ecuador.

Okay, so this one’s got more of a see-through top than none at all, but Frank’s latest ride still leaves the pontiff largely exposed compared to past Popemobiles. While we dig the message of frugality delivered by both the Santa Fe and this Jeep, the conversion works better on the Jeep. Plus, if the papal convoy gets the urge to do some off-roading, they’re all set!

Pope Francis arrived in Quito on July 5 for an eight-day tour of Latin America, his first visit to the Spanish-speaking region.

Pope Francis greets a crowd of the faithful from the Popemobile in Quito, Ecuador, July 5, 2015. Pope Francis landed in Ecuador's capital Quito on Sunday to begin an eight-day tour of South America that will also include visits to Bolivia and Paraguay. On his first visit as pontiff to Spanish-speaking Latin America, the Argentina-born pope is scheduled to conduct masses in both Quito and the coastal city of Guayaquil before flying to Bolivia on Wednesday.  REUTERS/Gary Granja

REUTERS/Gary Granja

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