Toronto, Ontario – Women in search of information about cars can now tap into a single source,, a made-in-Canada online resource which helps women better understand all aspects of the automotive industry, including buying and selling cars, care and maintenance, lifestyle considerations and safety.

“Yes, there is a real Angela,” said founding partner Angela Lange. “Along with female automotive experts, the site helps women navigate everything there is to know about cars in Canada. With women now representing 65 per cent of all new-car buyers and influencing 85 per cent of new car purchases, it’s amazing that we still encounter perceptions that we are somehow not fully aware of how to buy or care for a car. The stories I hear from my friends and my own experience in buying and caring for my car is what prompted the creation of this online resource.” includes easy-to-follow resources and articles, an expert panel of women who respond to questions, and a list of “female-friendly dealers” in each area to commit to better understanding and serving the needs of female clients.

“Another key goal of is to build bridges with dealers,” Lange said. “We want to assist and educate dealers in understanding the significance as well as the unique needs of the female customer and their buying power. We all need to buy or care for our cars and dealerships represent a key source. It is important for dealers to recognize the different buying habits, process and questions the female consumer may have.”

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