Honda’s Prius competitor looking to get the axe as Civic takes internal hybrid sales lead

According to AutoBlogGreen, the Honda Insight’s future is not looking bright this holiday season. After only making mild improvements to the model since introduction and not giving the Prius any kind of real competition, the hybrid model seems to be heading to the chopping block after the 2014 model year.

Citing internal Honda sources, ABG says “usual preparations (like preparing advertising materials) for a 2015 model are not taking place,” which could signal a new model is waiting in the wings or, more likely, the model will be dropped from the lineup altogether.

Year to date, Honda has mostly sold under 10 units of the Insight per month in Canada. For comparison, 128 examples of the Toyota Prius were sold in January 2013, more than all sales this year for the Insight combined.

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