UPDATE: Ford Performance has released a video of Tuesday’s shakedown, including footage of their Le Mans racer GT.

Our keen eyed reporters spotted this Ford GT in the wild today. Multimatic was doing some testing of the new Ford GT up at Calabogie Motorsports Park. Four cars were spotted rolling around with plates! The GT is getting closer to production as the engineering crew rolled from Toronto to Ottawa on the street.

The crew were cagey about letting us too close to the car, but the sounds the GT made were enough to have us salivating. The GT sounds gruff and raucous, with loud, angry gear changes and deep, sustained snarling as the testers ripped it around the test circuit out of sight of the public.

And while the GT has been officially announced, there were still a number of people curious about the exotic-looking car built by Ford in conjunction with Markham racing firm Multimatic.

And a race edition of the GT slated for Le Mans was also being tested during the day.

The GT will be on sale as early as next year.

Here are some photos by our man Ronnie Fung from the Preview in Detroit earlier this year:

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