April 4, 2005

First Canadian fuel-cell cars hit B.C. streets

Vancouver, British Columbia – Five Ford Focus fuel cell vehicles were delivered to the government of Canada to launch a first-of-its-kind demonstration program aimed at moving Canada closer to a cleaner-energy future.

2005 Ford Focus FCV
2005 Ford Focus FCV. Click image to enlarge

The cars were delivered by Dr. Gerhard Schmidt, Vice-President, Research and Advanced Engineering of Ford Motor Company, and Ford president and CEO Joe Hinrichs to the Vancouver Fuel Cell Vehicle Program. The program will encompass three years of a five-year initiative.

The $9 million project is a partnership between the government of Canada, which has invested $4.5 million, and the Ford Motor Company/Ford of Canada, Fuel Cells Canada and the government of British Columbia.

Eight groups, including BC Hydro, the City of Vancouver and Natural Resources Canada will use the Ford Focus vehicles in daily driving conditions as part of a three-year hydrogen fuel technology demonstration program.

“This project highlights British Columbia’s leadership in the development of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies, and builds on our commitment to have the world’s first hydrogen highway developed in time for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games,” said the Honourable Richard Neufeld, B.C.’s Minister of Energy and Mines. “B.C.’s 2002 Energy Plan lays out a path for future energy use and production, with a key focus on alternative energy, including hydrogen fuel cells, which will ensure environmental sustainability, one of our key goals for the next decade.”

The vehicles will be maintained and refuelled at the NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation.

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