Fiat Chrysler Automobiles CEO Sergio Marchionne

Unionized Fiat Chrysler Automobiles workers have approved a four-year contract with the automaker, according to an Automotive News report published today.

Employees represented by the United Auto Workers union (UAW) voted 77 percent in favour of a four-year deal, this coming a little more than three weeks after a previous FCA offer was roundly refused and put the workers in a strike position.

UAW President Dennis Williams praised the union’s negotiation team, saying “the resolve of our membership and the dedication of our negotiating team has produced an agreement that affords UAW members a strong wage package and job security while still allowing the company to competitively produce high quality vehicles for our customers.”

In a statement, FCA said called the agreement “an investment in our U.S. workforce and recognizes its contributions to the Company’s growth over the past six years. With the bargaining process now complete, the Company and our employees can look forward to continuing to build world class products, investing in our operations and achieving the targets set out in our five year business plan.”

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