As auto journalists in Canada, we get access to some pretty cool toys. You’ll never catch this writer complaining about his job, but I’m honest enough to admit experiencing rare bouts of jealousy at certain times. Those rare bouts of jealousy/envy generally occur when I read about fellow journalists driving vehicles only available down south or overseas.

Case in point: Greg Migliore of Autoblog US got to drive the behemoth 2016 Ford F-750 Tonka Dump Truck; and as a 34-year-old-going-on-11, my jealousy metre peaked at 11. According to Autoblog, the F-750 Tonka dump truck stands at nearly 10-feet-tall. That may not mean much on paper but I guarantee you a different story when face-to-face with a behemoth like this.

The F-750 is available with three engines: the 6.7L V8 Power Stroke Turbo Diesel, a gasoline-6.8L V10, and of course, the Tonka’s diesel 330-horsepower, 725 lb-ft behemoth.

We can’t buy the Tonka edition, as it was built as promotional vehicle for the heavy truck department of Ford.

Check out the video of Autoblog taking the monster dump truck around the handling course at the Ford Dearborn facility.

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