Hell is other people. A uniquely flavourful hell is rush-hour traffic with a group of nincompoops out to destroy your sanity. autoTRADER.ca recently polled 1,500 Canadians to see what they thought were the worst habits other drivers displayed out on the roads, and the results will… hardly surprise you.

The number-one complaint is of course talking or texting while driving, garnering 30 percent of the votes for biggest pet peeve. The others, in descending order: tailgating, speeding, and not signalling.

In addition to bad habits out on the roads, the survey also touched on general attitudes toward driving and the topic of road rage. Simply put: “Yes, most people are aware that hell is other people.”

Check out the full survey results on autoTRADER.ca: Canada’s Biggest Driving Pet Peeves, and don’t miss the linked PDF with the breakdowns by category and province.

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